Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy New Year Email To Brother In Law Sample Happy Xmas??!! Analyse This..?

Happy Xmas??!! Analyse this..? - happy new year email to brother in law sample

My brother sent an e-card to my husband (one years we have been together six years), my son and daughter (from the stage adults, 20 years) and ex-wife! I know he was nearby, but no need to rub their noses in their Christmas greeting of "family" and did not (who has my email ---) my husband showed me e-mail is not considered the list of who he was! Am I paranoid or is rude? Certainly it would be better to send a separate email with the ex and the kids and me and my husband? I'm not really a question of principle with her husband and was due to ignorance ... Opinions?


Myra said...

its just paranoid

CJP said...

Well, if he is a friend of the ex-wife, but never a friend was at that time I do not think it is really surprising. I agree with him really hard, but some people lack basic social skills or how you say are ignorant.

Try not to think at the moment are the family that we receive, we should not we trying to achieve.

Min Mou Tous Kiklon Terate said...

What? their children have the right to their cards AE father, send, regardless of who published it .. u have to accept whatever happens. Duh and his ex-wife, his children are helloooooooooo ..... If this is the case, why u get married then? UU know that had children and knew about his ex .. or do u have htign thinkt is only in her life after she married U? That women grow ... and playign Cinderrella stop .. not all ships, to end the relationship VEC glass shoes .. ur lucky that dosent loss or side to side ... that is, if it dosent ..? ONE THING U should always keep in mind when PURCHASE HANDLEING or damage CONTRATIGN ........ And it ... WARNING EMPTOUR .. (Buyer Aware)

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